AV Yoga is an online gathering of AV industry peers from around the globe that’s grown into a tight-knit community that came together during COVID and made connections in a way no one could ever have imagined. We stretch and de-stress, we laugh, we share struggles, and we have a ton of fun together. Join us!
This year we have a special treat for you! This Yoga class will have a live DJ mixing relaxing and uplifting music to make this experience even more immersive!
Join us for a fun, hour-long all-levels practice designed to help you de-stress and connect with friends and peers.
Register today for the second annual AV Yoga @ CEDIA Expo!
WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 9, 2023, from 7:30-9:00 a.m.
WHAT: AV Yoga @ CEDIA Expo includes an hour of all-levels yoga to kick off the last day of the show and some casual networking afterward.
This practice is led by Maddie Ringer of Sunshine Yoga in Red Lodge, Montana, and DJ’d by her husband Alex Ringer. Each session is designed to help people not only benefit from the physical practice of yoga but the mental and emotional side of it too. Maddie has a knack for making yoga approachable and can easily accommodate the needs of everyone in the room. The added live mixed music lends to “tuning in” to the practice and “tuning out” of daily stressors by feeling the vibrations and flow of the practice and music melding together.
WHO: ALL are welcome, no experience required, must be a registered CEDIA Expo attendee as badges are required for entry.
PRICE: $25 per person AND the first 50 people to register will get a free logo’d yoga mat!
WHERE: This session will take place at the Colorado Convention Center in Ballroom Four Seasons Ballroom – same room as the Women in Consumer Technology luncheon taking place on Friday 9/30.
QUESTIONS: Call or text Katye McGregor Bennett (425) 328-8640.
SPONSORS: Control4, Somfy, NuTech Group, Women in Consumer Technology, Emerald, and KMB Communications
REGISTRATION VIA EVENTBRITE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/av-yoga-cedia-expo-tickets-695029571157