One of the many donated items at this Cape Cod retreat.
TOMMY’S PLACE IS A MAGICAL VACATION HOME in Cape Cod for kids battling cancer. One family at a time visits the home for up to a week — free of charge. The home officially opened to its first guests in July of 2021 and is now a place for visiting families to relax, make memories and most importantly have fun! Numerous companies donated equipment and time to make this project happen, including technology integrator Boston Automations and distributor/manufacturer Snap One.
One really fun feature is a hidden bar in the back, known as Tommy’s Tavern. Guests open what appears to be an old-school refrigerator and it’s actually the entrance into a secret room. Reflectel donated a $10,000 Mirror TV featuring a Signature Metal Frame (EM9-O) that fits in seamlessly. When you walk in, it just looks like a bar with a mirror behind it, but when turned on it’s a Sony 4K TV. It’s a cool, fun feature for the whole family.
Hidden televisions are one of the hottest design trends, and only Reflectel offers custom crafted framing options. To find out more, visit here.
For more on Tommy’s Place, check out this feature article from our Fall 2021 issue of Technology Designer Magazine.