Daryl Friedman, the Global President and CEO of CEDIA, expressed his appreciation to the Governance Committee, stating, “I commend the Committee for their unwavering dedication and meticulous work in overseeing the board nomination process this year. Their commitment to transparency and fairness has ensured that the best candidates have been selected to lead our organization into the future.”
CEDIA, the Association for Smart Home Professionals™, is proud to introduce three dynamic integrator members who will join the CEDIA Board of Directors for the 2024-2026 term. Mike Chorney and Edward Gilmore will join the Board, and Amanda Wildman will return for an additional term. The slate was overwhelmingly (95%) approved by CEDIA members, with a 30% increase in voting over the previous year.
David Weinstein, Chairperson of the CEDIA Board of Directors, commended the addition of these outstanding individuals, stating, “Amanda, Ed, and Mike bring a myriad of home technology experience and more fresh perspectives to the board. Their remarkable credentials and forward-looking visions for the association’s future stood out amidst a substantial pool of qualified nominees. Many thanks to the Governance Committee, chaired by CEDIA’s Vice Chairperson Jamie Briesemeister, for their months of outstanding work interviewing and selecting these new Directors.”
Meet the New Directors:
Mike Chorney: As president of La Scala Integrated Media located in Vancouver, BC, Canada, Mike’s passion for music has driven him from his humble beginnings in his garage start up business that eventually evolved to founding and building out the largest retail service provider brands in Canada – Geek Squad (Best Buy), Connect Pro (Future Shop); a far departure from the medical career that his schooling was focused on. After working for national companies for over 10 years, Chorney took an interest in the home automation side of the business and was the director of sales and marketing for Trends Electronics, which was most notable as the largest Sonance distributor.
Mike has always challenged himself and his team to be the benchmark for quality and has been active in organizations to share in the possibilities and importance of striving for excellence. Mike has been involved with many children’s charities, served on an advisory council for CEDIA, and is active with the graduating schools hosting events for new interior designers and legacy veterans. Mike believes that a career with passion and active participation is the best way to share in the art of technology.
Edward Gilmore: In 1988 as a professional classical musician, Ed began a parallel career as an audio consultant to a leading Architectural and Interior Design firm, which included designing, bidding out, and overseeing projects. By 1991, having learned many of the intricacies of custom installation, Gilmore formed his own full-service company, Gilmore’s Sound Advice, Inc. (GSA). Having been involved in the industry since the advent of audio distribution, the infancy of home theater, and witnessing the evolution of the “smart” home and residential control systems, affords Gilmore a broad historical perspective of the industry.
For many years, Gilmore’s Sound Advice strictly adhered to a word-of-mouth recommendation policy to insure the company’s commitment to superior installation and unsurpassed client support. This policy was directly responsible for an impressive, high profile client resume. With the move to an 8,000 square foot facility in 2016, Gilmore created one of the most unique showroom and event spaces in New York City. Additionally, increased workspace allows GSA staff to rack build, program, and test all systems before they leave the facility. This includes the ability to qualify dimming capabilities of LED lighting fixtures. An active member of CEDIA, HTSA, and HTA, a commitment to process, documentation, ongoing education, and certification underscores GSA’s commitment to provide clients with an informed assessment of the industry’s best available options and practices.
Amanda Wildman: Amanda is a dedicated innovator and co-owner of TruMedia, a renowned family-owned business that has been at the forefront of pioneering home automation and entertainment solutions for families across Michigan for over two decades. She, along with her team, has diligently built TruMedia’s reputation into one of a trusted provider of home automation systems, home theatre solutions, and custom integrations.
Her unwavering passion lies in crafting technology solutions that seamlessly harmonize with the core of your home. Her commitment to user-friendly designs ensures that every member of your household can effortlessly enjoy the convenience and sophistication in smart home technology that TruMedia offers. Beyond her entrepreneurial ventures, Amanda is an active contributor to the smart home technology industry. Her impressive volunteer positions within CEDIA, including Chair of the Professional Development Advisory Council (PDAC), CEDIA’s Certification Commission, CEDIA’s Business Working Group, and participation in Workforce Development, underscore her dedication to advancing the industry’s skills and education.
Amanda’s journey in smart home technology is supported by a solid educational foundation, holding a Bachelor of Arts degree from Calvin University, CEDIA ESC, CIT-SME, and IST-SME certifications, and is an electrical apprentice. With a keen focus on innovation, dedication to her craft, and commitment to serving her community, Amanda Wildman continues to shape the landscape of modern smart home technology solutions.