On June 28-30, 2024, experience Passive House for yourself at the Passive House Open Days!
From the International Passive House Association:
Mark your calendar, invite friends and participate in this global event! Help us make the International Passive House Open Days an event that inspires change.
Passive House Visitors:
The International Passive House Open Days are a great opportunity to learn about Passive House and energy efficient buildings. Get in contact with current owners and learn first-hand what it is like to live in a Passive House and what the building or retrofitting process was like. Some open houses and buildings will even have professionals on hand with the knowledge and tools to explain the technical details of Passive House projects.
As well to all the opportunities to talk and learn about Passive House, participants can experience Passive House buildings, both residential and non-residential, for themselves. Enjoy the comfortable interior temperatures, take a look at the ventilation system, ask questions and consider the possibilities of Passive House for your own building projects.
Find Passive House projects by:
(Please note that new participating projects will be published about one month before the event)
- Checking out the participating Passive House buildings in our Passive House Database. Viewing and/or event information is included in the entry!
- You can also discover digital tours from past #iPHOpenDays in the dedicated YouTube playlist on our channel!
- Find a local project via our world map! You will be able to check out the participating Passive House buildings, view, and event information in the entry. Please note that the map could have new entries up shortly before the event!