get started distributing excellent social content so you can rebound financially as soon as possible.
AS I WRITE THIS, the world is still navigating through the crazy new normal thanks to COVID-19. After months of close-quarters living, your customers have spent a lot of time binge-watching Netflix, joining Zoom webinars, and believe it or not, making lists of general improvements for their home. These improvements include technology solutions as well as interior design. Your customers are online researching new products and what companies to hire for these improvements once this pandemic is over. Now is the time to get ready for this influx of new business.
One thing the world has learned during this crisis is that planning is critical, so start planning now to get organized. Get started distributing excellent social content so you can rebound financially as soon as possible. There are tons of products and projects you can recommend. For example, homeowners will want to upgrade their outdoor entertainment systems after spending so much time indoors. The interior of the homes will be redesigned after weeks of looking at outdated kitchens, bathrooms, and family rooms. If you prepare now and have your design-build partners working together, you can better inform your clients while they are thinking about upgrading the various spaces in their homes.
Businesses have a captive audience now if you know how to reach them, and it is the perfect time to educate this audience on what your business can do for them. Utilizing your social media to discuss your expertise by distributing client testimonials, announce innovations, and write blogs on trending topics in technology and innovative design and how they are all tied together will put you in front of clients while they are searching the web.
the perfect time to get in the game
If you are not a member of an organized design-build team, now is the perfect time to get in the game. Reach out now to build alliances with technology designers, interior designers, lighting specialists, builders, and architects with tools like Zoom to brainstorm on how best to anticipate and meet homeowners’ needs. Use these meetings to get caught up on the latest innovations in technology and design. Hosting virtual lunch-and-learn sessions will not only keep your team sharp during this downturn, but it will also educate everyone on new technologies and new performance home strategies. Start networking now by joining your local associations of each discipline in preparation to expand your business opportunities further.
Businesses that take this time to get prepared by building their team and knowledge base will benefit once the world returns to working order. Trust me; there will be an explosion in homeowners reaching out with questions about technology because technology made the pandemic bearable for many of them. But at the same time, it also exposed the holes that need to be filled to improve the home. So schedule that Zoom call and introduce yourself to other members of the design-build community in your neck of the woods, and let’s get back to work creating beautiful, inviting spaces we can all call home.
Stephanie Casimiro
Stephanie is a contributing editor and the social media manager for Technology Designer. She is
the founder of Designer Marketing Solutions, a full-service social media and marketing agency.